Other Current Environmental Funding Priorities
Grant Program Description and Goals
The Cedar Tree Foundation also supports work on a broad range of environmental issues within the United States. In the past, this work has included environmental health, sustainable agriculture, environmental education, conservation, and environmental justice organizations working on innovative, practical solutions to environmental challenges. We continue to be interested in those topics, and we have also identified current priority areas of interest, which will shift over time. All of Cedar Tree’s grants are focused on supporting organizations and work that leads to significant and real positive changes in the world.
At this time, the Foundation is especially interested in work related to the current priority interests listed in the How to Apply section below.
GRant program logistics
Cedar Tree does not have a set budget for these grants or a pre-determined timeline. Grants most likely will be in the range of $20,000-$100,000.
how to apply
Currently Accepting inquiries
If you are an organization working in one of these current priority interests, please click on the related area below to submit a letter of inquiry:
Fracking and Energy Extraction in the Delaware River Valley
Sustainable Redevelopment in Detroit
Closed to submissions
The Cedar Tree Foundation is actively making grants in this area, but no longer accepting letters of inquiry for 2017. Please check back often for information on future funding opportunities.
Environmental Education Teacher Professional Development
Environmental Idea Center
If you are an environmental organization (including past Cedar Tree grantees) seeking funding for work in environmental health, sustainable agriculture, environmental education, conservation, or environmental justice, please click here to be redirected to Cedar Tree’s Environmental Idea Center, where you can submit a summary of your work.
The Cedar Tree Foundation only funds registered 501 (c3) non-profit organizations for work in the United States.
Updated 8/2017