Grants | 2003 | Environmental Health
Beyond Pesticides for work on pesticide reform in schools, $80,000
Center for Health, Environment & Justice for the Childproofing Our Communities Campaign to reduce environmental health issues in schools, $80,000
Commonweal for the Collaborative on Health & the Environment to unite health affected groups in their understanding of links between environment and disease, $70,000 a year for two years
Environmental Research Foundation for work researching and publishing responsible scientific information about environmental health, $50,000 a year for two years
Generation Green for the Illinois Healthy Schools Campaign's work in Illinois and the region on a range of issues in healthy schools, $100,000 a year for three years
Health Care Without Harm for national work "greening" the healthcare industry through the promotion of environmentally friendly alternative products and practices, $80,000 a year for two years
Union of Concerned Scientists for the Food and Environment Program to reduce the use of antibiotics in agriculture, $50,000 a year for two years
Women's Voices for the Earth to raise women's health and environment issues nationally and strengthen women's roles in the environmental movement, $200,000 a year for three years