Grants | 2002 | Environmental Health
Beyond Pesticides for national work to reduce exposures to pesticides and promote safer alternatives, $60,000
Center for Health, Environment & Justice for the Childproofing our Communities Campaign to improve environmental health for children in schools and day care centers, $75,000
The Clean Water Fund for the Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow, $40,000
Commonweal for the Collaborative on Health & the Environment to unite health affected groups in their understanding of links between environment and disease, $60,000
Environmental Defense for the Keep Antibiotics Working campaign to reduce the use of medically important antibiotics in agriculture, $50,000 a year for two years
Environmental Defense for the Alliance for Environmental Innovation to work with businesses to implement environmentally friendly practices, $50,000 a year for two years
Environmental Research Foundation for work researching and publishing responsible scientific information about environmental health, $60,000
Health Care Without Harm for their national work "greening" the healthcare industry through the promotion of environmentally friendly alternative products and practices, $80,000
Institute for Local Self Reliance for the Healthy Building Network to reduce environmental exposures to toxics and create alternative markets for safer products in the building construction industry, $50,000 a year for two years
Physicians for Social Responsibility for the Emerging Links Conference, $30,000
Union of Concerned Scientists for the Food and Environment Program to reduce the use of antibiotics in agriculture, $30,000
Working Films Inc. for the fenceline screenings of the movie Blue Vinyl, which looks at the health impacts of the vinyl industry, and other outreach by the movie's producers, $45,000